Random Pair Generator

Generate unique pairs or groups of up to your desired size from any list you provide. Perfect for team assignments, matchups, or brainstorming partners!

Pairs will be generated until all items have been paired up.

Generated Pairs

Your pairs will appear here

What does the Pair Generator do?

The Pair Generator can be used to create a list of pairs from a provided list of items.

There are two modes where you can generate a unique list of pairs, ie for teams where a name can only appear once.

The other mode allows you to generate as many pairs as you like and each row you add can appear multiple times across pairs. Ideal for mashing a list of pairs together when you need some creative inspiration.

Anything you enter or generate is kept locally and nothing is sent to an external server.


What is a Pair?

A pair is randomly assigned from two rows you have provided as your list.

How do I generate pairs?

Enter each item/name on its own line. The algorithm will be able to detect these as separate items and return you a generated list of pairs based on what you entered.

How do I assign a list of names to teams?

Be sure to enable "Only Generate Unique Pairs" via the form and enter the list of players you wish to assign to teams. Each name should be on its own line. After you click "Generate Pairs" each name will be randomly paired up with another in the list.

Do you store my data?

Anything you enter into the pairing tool will not be sent to a third party server. Everything you enter and generate is processed by your own computer's processing power and is never transmitted over the internet.