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Check out our latest articles regarding QR codes and Random QR.

How To Scan a QR Code on iPhone

How To Scan a QR Code on iPhone

These days we're all accustomed to installing an app to add missing functionality to our devices. But in order to scan a QR code on iPhone - you do not actually need to install an app at all.

Is Scanning Random QR Codes Dangerous?

Is Scanning Random QR Codes Dangerous?

You see QR codes all over the place. They're used to check into places, browser restaurant menus, and to quickly share URLs and various other pieces of data between one another. But maybe you've also questioned whether scanning a QR code can be dangerous?

What is a Rickroll QR Code?

What is a Rickroll QR Code?

People around the Internet would play tricks on one another by hiding the URL to Rick Astley's 1978 hit, "Never Gonna Give You Up". The unsuspecting user would click a link and be taken to the music video, which became known as "Rickrolling".